Welcome to My Destiny!

Hi I'm Nikki. My Destiny Started in 2020, Forever living in Activewear but sick of the animal fur, the front seams just not sitting right, CONSTANTLY pulling them out of places leggings shouldnt be & not to mention the price tag!


After a crappy week at work - We've all been there, followed by a run to clear my head. I had come home, looked in the mirror and I noticed my leggings were enhancing all the wrong features if you catch my drift & these were $80 leggings! As I head to the shower (where all my brain storming magic happpens) I knew what My Destiny Was - ACTIVEWEAR!


From May 2020 Untill October 2021, I spend thousands on Samples from different manufacturers, what length and waistband measurements worked the best, adding gussets to draw the tension down to the knee and what felt like a million different fabrics, rubbing them all against my dogs to see what materials fur/fluff wouldnt stick too (Come to think of it my partner probably thought i was a crazy women coming home to see me rubbing my samples on the dogs) . FINALLY I found the one. This is when the Supremacy Leggings were born.


October 2021 I ordered my first bulk order for the Supremacy Leggings & the Infinite Sports Bras. I was soooo nervous. This cost me thousands and not 1 guarantee of a sale. No one knew who My Destiny was, but i knew I needed to push myself & how could anyone not love the quality for no where near the $80 price tag,


Towards the end of Novemeber 2021 they finally arrive! These 3 boxes pictured contains my future - MY DESTINY!

Since then I have created Sports Bra's that have been featured in 2 x Winning Womens Muay-Thai Fights, bike shorts, Jumpers, more leggings & more Sports Bras! The positive feedback & word of mouth has been so amazing, I am truly greatful for all the support along the way & this is only the Beginning!